Foreshore: The area between highwater mark and the water. Generally, in the Kohan Garden, the highwater mark extends from the edge of the grass and shrubs down to the water’s edge. This area is Crown land and strict regulations govern its use. No materials may be disturbed, removed or introduced. It is prime fish and wildlife habitat.

Shoreline: The upland edge of the foreshore. This is also referred to as the Riparian Zone of the waterway and is also prime wildlife habitat; it is part of the ecosystem that ensures the well-being of Slocan Lake’s water quality and fish populations. SLGS has completed a Ministry of the Environment-approved restoration of the Garden’s shoreline. Native plants and shrubs were planted to secure the bank and demonstrate use of some attractive perennials and shrubs.

Stewardship: Because SLGS wishes to be a responsible shoreline steward, volunteers do monitor and control any spread of garden or non-native plants and invasive species on the shoreline and foreshore. During freshet/spring thaw, the highwater deposits woody materials on the beach and lawn. SLGS may remove this material, from the lawn area only.

Interpretive signage: At the shoreline entrance path to the Garden (by the municipal boat launch) an interpretive sign (funded by KSCU Community Foundation) tells the story of life in the dynamic zone between the land and the water’s edge.